Here is another Form Combine.  This is the result of the combination, or overlay, of two Henry Moore drawing projection.

The drawing at the top is the one that I did first.  I found two drawings that Henry Moore had done.  And then I did a basic drawing projection of each drawing.  I also used somewhat mixed media.  The brown form was done with watercolor tones.  And the red form was done with watercolor pencils.  The different media give a more distinct impression of each of the forms.

The drawing below is the drawing that I did from the drawing above.  See DRAWING FROM DRAWING.  When you make a second pass at a form combination, you can edit so that what you end up with is something that is more practical.  And when I say practical, I mean buildable.  This editing that goes on when you make the second drawing is very powerful.  And the second drawing could not have been generated without the first.

So from a Form Combine, we get the first vestige of a fresh and unique enclosed and resolved form.  When I look at the drawing below, I see building.  And a fresh one at that.

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