NEW MUSEUM - TRANSPARENT DRAWINGThe act of drawing is merely the act of seeing better. We need to find ways to see with greater magnification.  A central strength of LeCorbusier is his unmatched observational ability. Part of his methodology was to apply his observational powers to historical buildings. His methodology was to reduce these buildings to their essence.

It is important to reiterate that Le Corbusier had no formal architectural education. His art education was the foundation of his work. Yet his understanding of historical buildings was complete. And it is because of his sketching and observational abilities that he was able to educate himself.

Transparent Drawing magnifies the power of sketching. Elements of the enclosure can no longer hide behind opaque surfaces. You are confronted with the task of the resolution of the entire form. And with this complete resolution, you are forced to learn history to an even greater depth. And you will certainly not be limited to the imagination freezing powers of the iconic photographic image.

A transparent drawing allows you to understand on your own terms. You can reject the blinding nature of iconographic images which then allows you to establish your own path.  You add to your own self education.

And establishing your own path really is what Transparent Drawing is about. It gives you a way to draw thru the heavy historical burden of classicism. It gives you magnification tools and insight as you work to understand the latest work by Zaha Hadid. It gives you a method and deductive power that you have not had before.


The transparent drawing above is of the New Museum in NYC, as most of you will recognize.  In this single drawing, it was my goal to capture the floating, offsetting, light admitting, geometrically simple and generally magical nature of this structure.  I did this drawing right after I visited the museum.  I used my sensory memory, on site photographs, and Google Images to construct this working drawing.

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