RIETVELD SCHRODER HOUSE TRANSPARENT DRAWINGOur correspondent Mike reminds us of Gerald Rietveld’s Schroder Residence in Utrecht. Indeed, this building was one that I continued to gaze at thru the iconic book images as a student. I won’t bore you with all of the personal revelations that I gained by making my Transparent Drawing of this building, shown above.

RIETVELD SCHRODER 1I won’t, for example, reveal that it was news to me that this piece is at the end of a long series of boring row houses. (Seems to me that the photo on the left should be the one in the history books instead of the hyper cropped images that we get.)  Nor will I say how the second floor could be divided with intricate sliding panels. And lastly, I won’t reveal how loud the bell was that went off in my head when I understood that all of this spatial wonder revolves around the small center stair with a light well above. All tongue in cheek of course.

I will say that I continue to enjoy the One Point Choisey projection established right here at Transparent Drawing. The drawing above is a Choisey One Point.  This projection offers a unique communication of the interior space and allows for unexpected graphic overlays.  Other One Point Choisey drawings can be found here and here.

Travel Advisory. We will be heading to the American Architectural Mecca, Chicago, for a few days. So expect Chicagocentric posts in the future as holy revelations and sightings become manifest.

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