A few pages ago, we spoke about drawing in and drawing out. And we made the analogy of drawing to breathing.

The word that we typically apply to breathing is function.  We talk about the function of breathing.  We say things like breathing is a vital function to us as organisms. We say that breathing functions to take air into our lungs. Without breathing, without the function of breathing, we die. Etc.

Maybe we should start talking about the function of drawing.  The word function is more accurate than other words that we typically apply to drawing.  For example, we talk about the drawing tool.  Yet function connotes a more critical significance than the word tool.

The drawing function is a matter of life and death to us as designers.  Our drawings function so that what we design will come into the world.

Function implies the scientific. When something functions, it has a vitality.  There is a distinct need.  When something functions, it works. When something functions there is an interdependency. The function is vital to the organism.

Drawing is a life sustaining function to us as problem solvers. Problem solving is dependent upon the drawing function.

See also the page THINK LIKE A BUBBLE, in which LeCorbusier fantasized that a building is shaped by a perfect containment of breath.  The breath on the inside creates the form on the exterior.

Breath.  Sketch.  Function.  The breath of design.  The function of sketch.  All part of the human cycle.

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