A robot makes transparent drawings.

As faithful readers of these pages will attest, I am always on the lookout for transparent drawings.  And here we have transparent drawings.  And they are done by a machine.

The artist Grant Stewart has assembled a robot that draws.   And the drawing output is transparent. The robot drawings, and more of Grant’s work,  can be found at  THE DRAWING ROBOT.

So is this what it takes?  It takes a robot to draw transparently?  If so, what does this mean?  Is transparency only achieved at the height of automation?  Or is the implication that it takes a machine drawing mindset to overcome our deeply enculturated representational drawing mindsets?  Is machine thinking always transparent?

This is not the first time that we have chronicled uber technology and the way it sees and depicts transparently.  We saw  3D LASER TIME SCANNING.  We have looked at X RAYS.

And now that we have The Drawing Robot, this seems to be some sort of confluence.  Machine brains, apparently, see transparently.  And so by channeling this machine sensibility, we are increasing our perceptive capabilities to that of machines.

Since machines are poised to take over a significant amount of human effort, and since machines seem to think transparently, then our efforts at drawing transparently seem to be on track.

And Grant’s bio supports this thesis, for he says he is primarily interested in “how technology can enhance human creativity.”

So instead of transparent machine intelligence.  How about transparent human intelligence?  Analogue machine intelligence?  Possibly we are on the vanguard of a new shape of learning and thinking.


The image above is used with the permission of the Artist.

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