This is how scientific discovery happens.

Scientific discovery happens when it is observed that nature violates an accepted scientific paradigm.  That is to say, when the expectations of a paradigm no longer match nature, then experiments are conducted to see why this discrepancy is occurring.  And after successful experiments, in which average observations are summarized, (see AVERAGE SCIENCE), the paradigm is revised or updated to match these new observations.

In other words, scientific discovery happens when the anomalous becomes the expected.

The same can be said for architectural styles, or paradigms.

Greek Revival, to use our favorite whipping boy, was an accepted architectural paradigm.  The results of the employment of the paradigm were expected.  All Greek Revival paradigms, because they followed the rules, fit in with every other Greek Revival example, or experiment.   The result was a cohesive and comfortable fabric.  Everything according to the rules.  Nothing unexpected.

Then Prairie Style, to use a broad paradigm, comes along.  Suddenly the observed results no longer match the Greek Revival paradigm.  Suddenly rules are violated.  Suddenly the expectations are no longer completely predictable.

So various Prairie Style buildings are constructed as experiments.  The rules, such a wide overhangs and exagerated horizontality, are  brought into the equation.

And before you know it, and anomalous has  become the unexpected.  The paradigm has been adjusted.  Now, in all of the architectural style books, Prairie Style is on one page and Greek Revival is on the next.  They are equal.  The paradigm has been adjusted and re-closed.

There really is no difference between scientific and architectural paradigms.  The process of observation and adjustment is the same.

Previous pages which give more background to this topic include PARADIGM and DOES THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD EXIST?. s

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